BUC President

Vision statement:

Reaching the whole person by encouraging fitness for life through healthy lifestyle choices in a holistic approach to wellbeing that enables them to become a healthful witness to the communities that they serve.

Mission Statement:

To encourage and train the membership to embrace healthy lifestyle choices in a holistic approach to wellbeing that is balanced and evidenced based.

That through the promotion of optimal health practices; members will experience abundant living and so better able to share the message of health, hope and healing with others.

In responding to circumstance where individuals experience infirmity of body, mind or spirit, we seek to foster an approach that is compassionate as we serve others with the humility and love of Christ.


  • Respect for differences

  • Temperate in work, rest and lifestyle practices

  • Abstinence from harmful products

  • Balanced approach to emotional, physical, spiritual and social wellbeing

  • Optimal dietary choices

  • Regular Exercise & Fresh Air

  • Harmonious Relationships

  • Non-judgemental attitude


Key Objective: To promote a healthful lifestyle among the members of the churches in the Union

Operational impact: Accomplishing this key objective the department developed 5 Health Strategies: Mental Wellness; Nutrition and Culinary Skills Training; Natural Medicine & Holistic Lifestyle; Older Persons’ Health & Child Health.

These 5 areas of focus underpins the Health Ministries department strategic plan to develop services, resources and advisory documents to equip the churches with information and guidance on specific health issues. The aim is to support Health Ministries leaders in their role and encourage a more streamlined service delivery to the members and communities that they serve.

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Sharon Platt-McDonald


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